You are given the following 12 clues, from which you must determine the order of the nine reindeer. You may be surprised to learn that Rudolph is not the leader!
(1) Comet is behind Rudolph, Prancer, and Cupid.
(2) Blitzen is behind Cupid.
(3) Blitzen is in front of Donder, Vixen, and Dancer.
(4) Donder is behind Vixen, Dasher, and Prancer.
(5) Rudolph is behind Prancer and in front of Donder and Dasher.
(6) Vixen is in front of Dancer and Comet.
(7) Dancer is behind Donder and Rudolph.
(8) Prancer is in front of Cupid and Blitzen.
(9) Dasher is behind Prancer and in front of Dancer and Blitzen.
(10) Donder is behind Comet and Cupid.
(11) Cupid is in front of Rudolph and Dancer.
(12) Vixen is behind Rudolph Prancer, and Dasher.
You may use the chart below to help Determine the order of the nine reindeer.
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