Math Path is another Japanese Logic puzzle.
The Goal is to fill the grid with the numbers 1 to 16, one number per cell.
(1) Consecutive numbers must be placed in adjacent or diagonally neighboring cells.
Thus the completed puzzle will form a path of connected, consecutive numbers from 1 to 16.
(2) A number and a math symbol (addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division) are shown in some outlined regions. All numbers in a region
must satisfy the mathematical operation of that region (starting with the largest number for regions with division and subtraction).
For example, the clue 84x indicates that all numbers in the region will multiply to 84).
To receive credit, you must solve ANY four of the following ten puzzles (others will be extra credit).

Click here for an example and hints
Click here for a printer version of the puzzles

Correctly solved by:
1. Kamal Lohia ** (solved all 10) |
Holy Angel School, Hisar, Haryana, India |
2. Colin (Yowie) Bowey ** (solved all 10) | Beechworth, Victoria, Australia |
3. Davit Banana | Istanbul, Turkey |
4. Dr. Hari Kishan ** (solved all 10) |
D.N. College, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India |
5. Ivy Joseph | Pune, Maharashtra, India |
** solved others for extra credit)