Liam arrives in Figi at 12:30 AM on Friday, December 1.
American Samoa's time zone is 11 hours behind UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) and American Samoa observes Samoa Standard Time all year --it does not observe Daylight Saving Time (DST).
Fiji is 12 hours ahead of UTC, and it operates on Fiji time all year, and it does not observe Daylight Saving Time (DST).
Liam left American Samoa at 11:30 PM on Wednesday, Nov 29 and since the trip takes 2 hours, it would be 1:30 AM on Thursday, Nov. 30, American Samoa Time when he arrives in Fiji.
Adding, 12 - (-11) = 23 hours to this, we obtain: 12:30 AM on Friday, December 1 in Fiji local time, when Liam arrived at Fiji.