There are 4 persons A,B,C and D of which 2 are liars and 2 are truthtellers.
Each of these persons has a lucky and an unlucky number.
All the 8 numbers are different and they are from 1 to 9 only.
The sum of the lucky and unlucky numbers is the same for all four persons.
The sum of the lucky numbers is greater than the sum of the unlucky numbers.
Determine the lucky and unlucky numbers for each of them if they made the following statements:

C's lucky number is 7.
The missing number is 5.

C's unlucky number is 4.
D's lucky number is 2.

A is a liar.
B's lucky number is 6.

The product of B's numbers is 24.
A's lucky number is larger than any of the other numbers.

Note: The missing number is the number from 1 to 9 which is not any one of these people's lucky or unlucky number.

            Send your solution by the end of the month to: David Pleacher