The proprietor of Ye Olde Puzzle Shoppe is a bit eccentric.   Recently, he baffled some of his would-be customers by putting this sign in the shop's window:

When we're open, our hours are from noon to 6:00 PM.
Our weekly schedule is as follows:

1. We're open for at least three consecutive days.

2. All the days that we're open start with different letters of the alphabet.

3. The total number of letters in the names of the days that we're open is odd.

4. Only two of the days that we're open have names of the same length.   All our other open days have names of different lengths.

5. We're either open on both Monday and Wednesday or closed on both Monday and Wednesday.

So which days of the week is the shop open?

            Send your solution by the end of the month to: David Pleacher