You are in a county, somewhere in the United States.
A local has given you a map of all the towns in this county.
Unfortunately, the map doesn’t have any place names.
Each numbered circle represents a town.

Using the map and the clues provided, can you figure out where each town is located?


1. It’s possible to take a trip starting at Alabaster and ending at Jubilee that passes through every town without revisiting any point on the map. The towns visited (in order) are:

Alabaster – Doppler – Foxtrot – Garamond – Ballyhoo – Hogshead – Edelweiss – Charity – Ides – Jubilee

2. The shortest path from Charity to Doppler requires moving both north and south.

3. Ides is due south of Jubilee.

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            Send your solution by the end of the month to: David Pleacher