1) Christmas song
1) What Santa often leaves in your stocking
5) _ _ _ _ _ Nick
2) Latin for love (similar to French and Italian)
10) So be it
3) Color of Santa suit
12) _ _ _ _ of Bethlehem
4) Up _ _ the rooftop
13) "Giving a _ _ _ up the chimney he rose."
6) Same
14) The night before Christmas
7) Suffix of graphite
15) Physician (abbr.)
8) Part of a church
16) Glide on ice
9) Give delight
19) Each (abbr.)
11) Boy's favorite Christmas gift
20) GLO_ _ _ in EXCELSIS
17) _ _ _ _ Kringle
21) Kris _ _ _ _ _ _ _
18) These appear on Christmas packages
25) Operatic melodies
21) Born _ _ _ _ of Angels
27) _ _ _ _ _ Claus
22) America's dream: "From _ _ _ _ to riches"
30) Tune
23) Put down
31) Frosted
24) Encyclopedia (abbr.)
32) Small casks
25) Inquire
33) Stained with color
26) Small deer
28) Place for golf ball
29) Sum