Fun at Christmastime

by David H. Knowles
December 1979 Mathematics Teacher
1. Hidden here is a Christmas message.
    Here's wishing you a merry __ __ __ __ .
2. Connect all 9 dots with 4 straight line segments
    without lifting your pencil from the paper or retracing lines.
3. By moving just 3 ornaments, can you turn this Christmas
    tree right side up?
4. Connect 12 stars with one unbroken "line" to form a
    Christmas cross that leaves 5 untouched stars on
    the inside and 8 stars on the outside.

5. A Christmas Eve telephone call:
    "Hello, is this 484-1234?"
    "Yes, who is calling, please?"
    "Don't you recognize my voice?   Why, my mother is your mother's mother-in-law!"

    Who is on the phone?

6. Find the hidden message:

7. Santa and five helpers can make six deliveries in six minutes.
    How many more helpers does he need to make 100 deliveries in 100 minutes?

8. Replace each letter with a digit, different letters being different
    digits and vice versa, so that the result is a correct sum.


9. The Twelve Clues of Christmas
    From the following information, determine the color of each house,
    the nationality of the occupant, his drink, his favorite food, and his pet.

  1. There are five houses and the green house is directly to the right of the ivory house.
  2. The Swede lives in the first house.
  3. The Englishman lives in the red house and the Swede is next to the blue house.
  4. The Japanese loves chestnuts and Donder is the Spaniard's pet.
  5. The Vietnamese drinks Christmas punch.
  6. Eggnog is the favorite drink in the middle house.
  7. They drink English tea in the green house and eat fruitcake in the yellow house.
  8. Fruitcake is eaten in the house next to Prancer's owner.
  9. Dancer is owned by the man who eats a lot of turkey.
  10. He who owns Blitzen either drinks wassail or tea but not both.
  11. The sugarplum eater lives next door to Rudolph's master.
  12. Plum pudding and hot chocolate are both concumed in the same house.

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