When is Easter?

There is an algorithm for computing the date on which Easter falls for a particular year.

The algorithm would be appropriate for Algebra I students because it uses variables and formulas.

Below are three links to aid in finding the date of Easter.

The first link is a worksheet to determine the date of Easter if you know the year.
You must do all the calculations!

The second link is an interactive program in which you are prompted for the year, and then the computer figures out the month and day.

The third link is an interactive program in which you enter a target date for Easter and an interval of years.   Then the computer determines the years within the interval where Easter falls on that date.

(1) Click here for the Algorithm for Computing Easter

(2) Click here for the Interactive progam that computes the Month and Day on which Easter falls if you input the year

(3) Click here for the Interactive program that asks for a target date for Easter and then prints the years on which Easter falls on that date

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher