Thanksgiving Puzzle
By David Pleacher

Turkey = 6
Cornucopia = 8
Native American = 7
Mayflower = 11
Pilgrim = 29


To solve:

let A = Turkey
let B = Cornucopia
let C = Native American
let D = Mayflower
let E = Pilgrim

Then set up five equations:
2A + B + C = 27
C + B + D + A = 32
D + E + 2C = 54
2D + E + A = 57
2E + B + C = 73

Then rearrange the equations with the similar letters underneath:
2A + B + C = 27
A + B + C + D = 32
2C + D + E = 54
A + 2D + E = 57
B + C + 2E = 73

Since there are as many equations as variables (and none of the equations are equivalent), then there must be a solution. You could eliminate one variable (say E) by solving one of the three equations with E in it (I chose the 4th equation):
  E = 57 - A - 2D
Then substitute for E in the other equations.   That would give you four equations with just 4 variables:

2A + B + C = 27
A + B + C + D = 32
2C + D + (57 - A - 2D) = 54
B + C + 2 (57 - A - 2D) = 73

Simplify and rearrange the variables to get:

2A + B + C = 27
A + B + C + D = 32
-A + 2C - D = -3
-2A + B + C - 4D = -41

Now you can eliminate one of the other variables like D in the same manner.
Solve for D in one of the equations and then substitute that expression for D in the other three equations.
You will then have three equations with three variables.

Then continue until you have one equation with one variable and it will be solved.

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher