1. ARCHIMEDES     "If I had a fulcrum, I could move the world."
  2. DESCARTES     He did not belong to this set, for he was a soldier before he was a mathematician.
  3. CARDANO     He could not have "obtained" a dacron shirt, but he seems to have "acquired" a solution of a cubic equation.
  4. NAPIER     He was not a Frenchman, and his "bones" were not kept in a basket.
  5. EULER     He crossed bridges instead of streets.
  6. MENELAUS     He was one of the few of the first century AD who did original mathematical work of any ability.
  7. WALLIS     He had much to do with the founding of the Royal Society in England.
  8. LAPLACE     He discovered a famous differential equation.
  9. OUGHTRED     Yet he was delighted to hear of the king's return, and even invented a rule.
  10. DE MOIVRE     He was chosen to decide the controversy over the discovery of the calculus.