Math Aptitude Test #1
Answer Key

  1. Yes, and a fifth and a sixth... (they just don't celebrate it).
  2. Because he is still alive.
  3. 50 miles
  4. All of the months have 28 days.
  5. one hour.
  6. Half dollar and a nickel (the other one is a nickel).
  7. 9.
  8. 70.
  9. You have two apples.
  10. The beggar is a woman, so she is the woman's sister.
  11. None. Moses didn't go on the ark -- it was Noah.
  12. No, he must be dead to have a widow.
  13. Never. The boat goes up with the water.
  14. United States of America.
  15. Three.
  16. Equal number.
  17. None!
  18. Six.
  19. One, all the others are anniversaries of your birthday.
  20. Half way -- after that, he is running out of the woods.
  21. 640 acres or 1 square mile.
  22. 900 pounds.
  23. Because it would be a foot.
  24. They are equal.
  25. A pound of feathers.
  26. An ounce of gold.
    An explanation for the previous two questions:
    A pound of feathers is measured in avoirdupois weight, in which one pound equals 16 ounces.
    Precious metals are measured in troy weight, in which one pound equals 12 ounces.

    However, the ounces are not measured in the same way.
    In avoirdupois weight, one ounce = 437.5 grains.
    In troy weight, one ounce = 480 grains.

    So, one pound of feathers weighs (16)x(437.5 grains) = 7,000 grains.
    One pound of gold weighs (12)x(480 grains) = 5,760 grains.

    Therefore, an ounce of gold weighs more than an ounce of feathers (480 grains to 437.5 grains),
    but a pound of feathers weighs more than a pound of gold (7,000 grains to 5,760 grains).

  27. None (there is no dirt in a hole).
  28. Thirty-six.
  29. One-eighth of a mile.
  30. Sixty-four.
  31. North Pole.
  32. You can't have 1/2 a hole.
  33. I T     or
    Cover one eye when you spell Cincinnati.
  34. A rooster doesn't lay eggs.
  35. 1,728.
  36. You are the bus driver. It is the color of YOUR eyes.

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher