Systems of Equations
and Historical Dates
A Math / History Puzzle
Answer Key by David Pleacher

A = 29
B = 28
C = 2
D = 8
E = 1
F = 12
G = 10
H = 19
I = 20
J = 1863
K = 1929
L = 22
M = 1995
N = 5
O = 11
P = 9
Q = 14
R = 1944
S = 1939
T = 1865
U = 6
V = 1968
W = 7
X = 1969
Y = 4
Z = 1941
a = 1963
b = 1776
c = 1607
d = 2011
e = 2001

1.   E
2.   C
4.   Y
5.   N
6.   U
7.   W
8.   D
9.   P
10.   G
11.   O
12.   F
14.   Q
19.   H
20.   I
22.   L
28.   B
29.   A
1607.   c
1776.   b
1863.   J
1865.   T
1929.   K
1939.   S
1941.   Z
1944.   R
1963.   a
1968.   V
1969.   X
1995.   M
2001.   e
2011.   d

Here are the fifteen dates:

7/4/1776     -     The signing of the Declaration of Independence

11/22/1963     -     John F. Kennedy was assassinated

12/7/1941     -     Pearl Harbor was bombed ("A day that will live in infamy")

8/28/1963     -     Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream" speech in Washington, DC

9/1/1939     -     World War II began when Hitler invaded Poland

10/29/1929     -     The Stock Market crashed ("Black Tuesday")

5/6/1607     -     The founding of Jamestown, Virginia (this is the Old Date) The New Date would be 5/14/1607

4/19/1995     -     Oklahoma City bombing

4/4/1968     -     Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated

6/6/1944     -     D-Day. Major victory for the Allies in World War II

1/1/1863     -     Lincoln freed the slaves (Emancipation Proclamation was enacted)

7/20/1969     -     Neil Armstrong walks on the moon (Apollo 11)

9/11/2001     -     Terrorist attacks by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda on the U.S. in New York City and Washington, D.C.

5/2/2011     -     Death of Osama bin Laden

4/14/1865     -     Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher