What creatures are the best mathematicians -- and why?
Rabbits because they MULTIPLY
Cells because they DIVIDE
Fish because they're always in SCHOOLS
Plants because they take ROOTS
Seven is an odd number. How can you make it even? TAKE AWAY THE S
Show me two cars after an accident and I'll show you a RECTANGLE
Show me a protest march and I'll show you some RADICAL signs.
Why is April 1st so tired? AFTER 31 DAYS OF MARCH, YOU'D BE TIRED, TOO
What do you get when you cross a pigeon and a zero? FLYING NUN
What do you get when you cross an ape and a mathematician? HAIRY REASONER
What do you call a parrot who should go on a diet? POLY NO MEAL
What is a jail for mathematicians? (They lock up convex there, too!) PRISM
Why is the meter stick such a stubborn ruler? HE WON'T GIVE AN INCH
John Ori, a math teacher, ran a distillery as a part-time job. What did he brew? ORI GIN
What's a parrot apt to do if it sees a cat? POLY, HE'D RUN!
Rabbits because they MULTIPLY
Cells because they DIVIDE
Fish because they're always in SCHOOLS
Plants because they take ROOTS