Algebra Puzzles
Answer Key

(1) Exponents Puzzle

Construct true sentences in the diagram below by inserting the appropriate operation symbol(s) and the equal sign.   The example circled could also have been written a10 / a5 = a5

(2) Cross Polynomial Puzzle

Perform the indicated operations and simplify.   Enter the resulting polynomial using one block for the sign and one block for the term.

1.   (m2 + 2) (m2 + 1)

3.   (m + 5) (m - 6)

5.   4 (m + 1)

6.   -5 (m2 + 3)

8.   (2m - 5)2 - 22

2.   (m3 + m2) (1 + 2/m - 3/m2)

4.   (m + 2) (m - 2) - m2

7.   (m - x) (m2 + mx + x2) + x3

9.   (3 - 2m) (3 + 2m)

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher