Take the following test.
If a number is required for the answer, please enter it as a numeral.
If words or letters are required, please enter in lower case.
When you have finished the test, click on the CLICK button to submit your answers.

1. Complete the analogy by entering a four letter word ending in e:
      Thermometer is to temperature as clock is to _ _ _ _.

Enter your answer:

2. Pamela's brother Felix has more brother than he has sisters.
      How many more brothers than sisters does Pamela have?

Enter the numeral:

3. Choose the lettered symbol in the bottom row which has the characteristic held in common by the three symbols in the top row.

Enter your answer:

4. All GAMES Magazine readers are puzzle connoisseurs.
      Some GAMES Magazine readers are astrophyicists.
      Most GAMES Magazine readers are highly intelligent.

    Therefore, (choose one):
      (a) Most astrophyicists are highly intelligent.
      (b) Some astrophyicists are puzzle connoisseurs.
      (c) There are astrophyicists who do not read GAMES Magazine.

Enter your answer:

5. What is the next term in this series?
      7,   12,   27,   72,

Enter the numeral:


Enter your answer:

7. "Don't trade horses midstream" means:
      (a) You might fall off and get wet.
      (b) Don't attempt something unless you are fully prepared.
      (c) Decide what you're going to do before you do it.
      (d) Don't change plans when something is half completed.

Enter your answer:

8. If M x E = 6;   N x S = 20;   E x S = 15;   E x N = 12;   S x A = 30;
      Then M x E x N x S x A = ?

Enter the numeral:

9. Find a word meaning the same as the left-hand word in one sense and the right-hand word in another sense.
        hard   _________   company

Enter your answer:

10. Complete the series in the top row with one of the lettered diagrams in the bottom row.

Enter your answer:

11. What letter is next in the series below?.
      B,   E,   I,   N,   ___ ?

Enter your answer:

12. Dopey is younger than Sneezy.
      Bashful is older than Dopey.

    Therefore, (choose one):
      (a) Sneezy is older than Bashful.
      (b) Bashful is older than Sneezy.
      (c) Dopey is the youngest.

Enter your answer:

13. Which one does not belong?.

Enter your answer:

14. Needle is to thread as:
      (a) Sew is to dress.
      (b) Cotton is to dress.
      (c) Leader is to follower.
      (d) Follower is to leader.

Enter your answer:

15. There is a rule of arithmetic which applies across and down the array below,
      so that two of the numbers in a line produce the third number in each line.
      What is the missing number?
  3     4     7  
7 5   12  
  10   9 ?

Enter the numeral:

16.Complete the analogy by entering a seven letter word ending in r:
      Competition is to cooperation as rival is to _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

Enter your answer:

17. Complete the series in the top row by choosing one of the lettered figures in the bottom row.

Enter your answer:

18. If 7 belly dancers altogether lose 20 pounds in 8 hours dancing,
      how many more belly dancers would be needed to lose a total of
      20 pounds in only 4 hours dancing, providing the new dancers
      shed weight only half as fast as the original 7?
      (a) 7   (b) 21   (c) 27   (d) 14   (e) 12.

Enter your answer:

19.     3 is to 9 and 18 as 2 is to 8 and _____ .

Enter the numeral:

20. What is the price of the last item in the group?
      Liniment $12;   Toga $20;   Onion $15;   Car $3;   Pizza _____

Enter the numeral:   $

21. Green is to yellow as orange is to:
      (a) blue
      (b) purple
      (c) brown
      (d) yellow
      (e) white

Enter your answer:

22. Which of the following words are closest in meaning?
      (a) Autocracy and Autonomy
      (b) Autonomy and Oligarchy
      (c) Autonomy and Dictatorship
      (d) Autocracy and Oligarchy
      (e) Autocracy and Dictatorship
      (f) Oligarchy and Dictatorship

Enter your answer:


Enter your answer:

24. Which word does not belong?
      (a) stone   (b) brick   (c) canoe   (d) pontoon   (e) anchor.

Enter your answer:

25. The arrows represent a simple code.   Name a word they could spell when rearranged.

Enter your answer:

26. Complete the following analogy:
    C, G, Q are to F, V, R as T, X, H are to:
      (a) V, L, G
      (b) B, F, Y
      (c) W, M, I
      (d) N, Z, D

Enter your answer: