History Equations
Adapted from GAMES

Yes, we have found a way to combine history and math! Each of the following equations refers to a specific year, and an event of significance that occurred in America that year. You are given the initial hints, and then you must figure out the rest.

For example, the equation "1776 = D. of I. S. in P." would be "Declaration of Independence signed in Philadelphia." They are composed in "headline style" - that is, phrased as they would appear in a newspaper, sometimes missing short words (and if they're in The Winchester Star, the words may be misspelled!).

1. 1804 = L. and C. E. the L. P.

2. 1814 = F. S. K. W. the W. to "The S.-S. B."

3. 1848 = G. D. in C. at S.'s M.

4. 1852 = H. B. S.'s U. T.'s C. is P.

5. 1863 = E. P. S. by A. L.

6. 1865 = L. S. to G. at A.

7. 1908 = F. M. C. I. the M. T

8. 1912 = The T. S. on her M. V.

9. 1918 = D. S. T. is I. in A.

10. 1933 = T.-F. A. to the C. R. P.

11. 1937 = A. E. D. over P. O.

12. 1941 = J. B. P. H.

13. 1943 = O! O. on B.

14. 1959 = A. and H. A. to the U.

15. 1969 = N. A. W. on the M.

16. 1973 = S. W. the T. C.

17. 1974 = N. R., F. S. in as P.

18. 1980 = M. S. H. E.

19. 1995 = C. R., J. B. L. G.'s R.

20. 1997 = T. W. W. the M.

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher