MENSA Test #2
from GAMES September 1984

Mensa is a social organization in which people who meet certain intellectual standards (as determined by tests like this one) gather and correspond to exchange ideas and match wits.   The test presented here is typical of actual Mensa admission tests, and was created for Games magazine by Dr. Abbie Salny, advisory psychologist for both American and International Mensa.

Take the following test.   Scoring is based on the number of questions you've answered correctly and the time it took you to complete the test.

If a number is required for the answer, please enter it as a numeral.

If words or letters are required, please enter in lower case.

When you have finished the test, click on the Click here to submit your answers button.

1. Some collywobbles are geniunes.
All geniunes have six legs.
Therefore which of the following must be true?

(a) All collywobbles have six legs.
(b) All geniunes are collywobbles.
(c) Some collywobbles have six legs.
(d) It can not be determined whether any of the above are true.

Enter your answer:

2. Insert the same four-letter word in both sets of blanks to make two words.

      D O _ _ _ _
            _ _ _ _ T A I N

Enter your answer:

3. Complete the series in the top row of figures with one of the lettered diagrams in the bottom row.

Enter your answer:

4. Pick the numbers that most reasonably come next in the following series:
      2   8   3   7   5   6   8   5   __   __

      (a)     8   6
      (b)   11   4
      (c)   12   4
      (d)   12   6

Enter your answer:

5. Find a word that in one sense means the same as the phrase on the left and in another sense means the same as the word on the right


Enter your answer:

6. In this analogy,

Enter your answer:

7. Meg is younger than Beth.
    Amy is older than Meg.
    Jo is older than Amy.

    Therefore (choose one):
      (a) Amy is older than Beth.
      (b) Beth is older than Amy.
      (c) Meg is older than Jo.
      (d) Jo is older than Meg.

Enter your answer:

8. Complete the analogy by entering a seven letter word ending in m:

Star is to constellation as
petal is to _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

Enter your answer:

9. Which of the figures below can be obtained by rotating the figure at far right?

Enter your answer:

10. What number, multiplied by 3, is three-fourths of 120?

Enter the numeral:

11. Insert the same three-letter word in both sets of blanks below to make two sets of new words each.

(Example: Inserting the word ACT in
F _ _ _ R E S S   and in   TR _ _ _ UAL

P L _ _ _ L E R        GR _ _ _ I Q U E

Enter your answer:

12. Alarming is to marginal as enraged is to
      (a) angered
      (b) dormant
      (c) caustic
      (d) belligerent

Enter your answer:

13. In this analogy,

Enter your answer:

14. If   I   III   V   = SAT,
and   IV   III   VI = RAY,
and   VI   III   II = YAM,

then what is   I   II   III   IV   V ?

Enter your answer:

15. Jim has as many sisters as he has brothers,   but his sister has twice as many brothers as she has sisters.

How many boys and how many girls are there in the family?

Enter the number of boys:

Enter the number of girls:

16. All winkles are franchies.
      All franchies are light blue.
      Some franchies are hornswoggles.

      Therefore (choose one):
        (a) All winkles are light blue.
        (b) All hornswoggles are winkles.
        (c) Neither (a) nor (b) is true.
        (d) Both (a) and (b) are true.

Enter your answer:

17. The numbers in the square at left, below, have been placed following a certain mathematical rule.   If the numbers in the square at the right were placed following the same rule, what is the missing number?

Enter a numeral:

18. In this analogy,

Enter your answer:

19. Think of a wooden cube measuring three inches on each side.

Imagine painting it red all over -- on the exposed surfaces.

If you now cut the cube into one-inch cubelets (there will be 27 of them), how many will have paint on exactly two faces?

Enter the numeral:

20. Capitalism is to entrepreneur as feudalism is to
      (a) horse
      (b) serf
      (c) lord
      (d) fief

Enter your answer:

21. Which set of letters logically comes next in the following series?

Z   Y   X   U   V   W   T   S   R   _   _   _

      (a)   O   P   Q
      (b)   P   O   Q
      (c)   O   Q   N
      (d)   N   O   Q

Enter your answer:

22. There are four houses in a row along a deadend street.

The Wilsons live next to the Joneses but not next to the Ronsons.

The Browns do not live next to the Ronsons.

Who are the Ronsons' next door neighbors?

(a) the Wilsons.
(b) the Joneses.
(c) the Wilsons and the Jones.
(d) It cannot be determined from the information given.

Enter your answer:

23. Sally types 50 characters in 10 seconds.

Jane can type only 40 in the same time.

Working together, how long will it take them to type 360 characters?

Enter the numeral:

24. Below are three views of the same cube.

Which of the four lettered patterns is opposite the blank white face of the third cube?

Enter your answer:

25. The number of dresses owned by Susan is the same number owned by Tess divided by the number owned by Jane.

Tess has 42 dresses and would own eight times as many as Jane if Tess had 14 more.

How many dresses does Susan have?

Enter the numeral:

26. In this analogy,

Enter your answer:

27. You buy an elephant for $5,500.

A traveling circus buys it from you for $5,500.

After the season, they sell it back to you for $5,000, and you sell it to a zoo for $6,000.

How much money have you made or lost on this transaction?

Enter the numeral: $

Enter the the word profit or the word loss:

28. What is the price of the last item below?

      Leather   $3.00
      Linen       $9.00
      Sateen     $10.00
      Worsted $_____

Enter the numeral: $

29. If A + B = 18, and A x B = 72,
then A2 + B2 =

        (a) 144
        (b) 160
        (c) 180
        (d) 252

Enter your answer:

30. Below are four views of the same alphabet block, which has a different letter on each of its six faces.

What is the missing letter in view d?

Enter your answer:

31. "You can't judge a book by its cover" is closest in meaning to which of the following?

(a) People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
(b) Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
(c) Where there's smoke, there's fire.
(d) All that glitters is not gold.

Enter your answer:

32. A man bets $30 and wins back his original wager plus $60.

He spends one-third of his new total on a present for his wife, $10 for taxi fare home, and 10% of what is left to tip the driver.

How much does he have when he gets home?

Enter the numeral: $

33. Which of the figures can be obtained by reversing and rotating the figure at right?

Enter your answer:

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher