What is MENSA?

Mensa is the international High I.Q. Society and has over 100,000 members worldwide, with 55,000 in the United States.   Mensa has only one requirement for membership: a score in the top 2% on a standardized, supervised intelligence test.   For example, the minimum accepted score on the Stanford-Binet is 132.

Through its many local groups and international contacts, Mensa offers a rich variety of experiences to its members.   Some members of Mensa include Steve Martin (the comedian), Scott Adams (the cartoonist), Norman Schwarzkopf (retired US Army General), Isaac Asimov (author), Geena Davis (actress), and Marilyn vos Savant (listed in the Guinness Book of World Records under "Highest IQ").

Mensa's constitution lists three purposes: to identify and foster human intelligence for the benefit of humanity; to encourage research into the nature, characteristics, and uses of intelligence; and to provide a stimulating intellectual and social environment for its members.

At Mensa's 50th Anniversary in 1996, Dr. Lancelot Ware, one of the founders, addressed Mensans by stating that he hoped that "Mensa will have a role in society when it gets through the ages of infancy and adolescence."   He also said, "I do get disappointed that so many members spend so much time solving puzzles," expressing his desire for Mensans instead to be solving some of the world's problems.

A normal intelligence quotient (IQ) ranges from 85 to 115 (According to the Stanford-Binet scale).   Only approximately 1% of the people in the world have an IQ of 135 or over.   In 1926, psychologist Dr. Catherine Morris Cox published a study "of the most eminent men and women" who had lived between 1450 and 1850 to estimate what their IQs might have been.   The resultant IQs were based largely on the degree of brightness and intelligence each subject showed before attaining the age of 17.

Here are some prominent people from the past and present along with their IQs:

Marilyn vos Savant     228
Christopher Hirata     225
Kim Ung-Yong     210
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe   210
Leonardo da Vinci 205
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz     205
Emanuel Swedenborg 205
John Stuart Mill 200
Blaise Pascal 195
Garry Kasparov 190
Ludwig Wittgenstein 190
Bobby Fischer 187
Galileo Galilei 185
Benjamin Netanyahu 180
Buonarroti Michelangelo 180
Madame De Stael 180
Johannes Kepler 176
Samuel Taylor Coleridge 175
Voltaire 170
Stephen W. Hawking 165
Charles Darwin 165
Samuel Johnson 165
Albert Einstein 160
Benjamin Franklin 160
Alfred, Lord Tennyson 155
Sharon Stone 154
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart   150
Ralph Waldo Emerson 145
Napoleon Bonaparte 145
Isaac Newton 130

from various sources (and verified on Wikipedia)

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher