Playing Favorites
by Stephen Sniderman

If Houdini's favorite breakfast cereal is Trix, while Bugs Bunny's favorite musical is Hair, then what are the following ...

1. Rod Sterling's favorite lake?

2. David Hasselhoff's favorite chewing gum?

3. Minnesota Fats' favorite cotton swabs?

4. Gilligan's least favorite color?

5. Stephen Hawking's favorite spice?

6. Dustin Hoffman's favorite candy?

7. Jim Carrey's favorite musical instrument?

8. the Marquis de Sade's favorite car rental company?

9. Herman Melville's favorite TV show?

10. Christiaan Barnard's favorite TV show?

11. Fred Gwynn's favorite cheese?

12. Sinclair Lewis' favorite rock group?

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher