A Puzzle by David Pleacher

See if you can fill in the missing words for each of the proverbs below:
For example, C. K. the C. would be   Curiosity killed the Cat.

  1. All R. L. to R.
    (This is similar to: All dirt roads lead to West Virginia...)

  2. G. is O. P. I. and N.-N. P. P.
    (This is a saying of Thomas Edison)
  3. Y. can't G. H. A.
    (This is the title of a novel by Thomas Wolfe)

  4. An A. a D. K. the D. A.
  5. D. J. a B. by its C.

  6. B. of a F. F. T.
  7. The B. S. H.
    (President Truman had this sign on his desk)

  8. The C. of T. L. N. did R. S.
    (From A Midsummer Night's Dream by Shakespeare)
  9. F. R. in W. A. F. to T.
    (In Alexander Pope's "An Essay on Criticism")

  10. E. to B. and E. to R. M. a M. H., W., and W.
    (From Ben Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanack)
  11. E., D. and B. M. for T. W. D.
    (From Isaiah 22:13 and Luke 12:19, also Dave Matthews)

  12. I. is B.
  13. L. is S.; A. is L.
    (translated from the Latin by Chaucer)

  14. M. D. N. L. by B. A.
    (Moses in the book of Exodus)
  15. G. F. M. G. N.
    (by Robert Frost in "Mending Wall")

  16. N. M. C. S. T. M.
    (Jesus in the Gospels)

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher