Rock N Roll Philosophy
A puzzle by David Pleacher

Can you figure out these words of wisdom, these common sense principles by which our Rock 'n Roll fathers would have us live our lives?   Each song title gives some advice to a loved one or asks a question.

The key words of the song title have been replaced by their initial letters.   In parentheses is the name of a recording artist which made the song a hit; but again, the key names have been replaced by the first letter.

If you're having difficulty, perhaps you would do better W. a L. H. from my F. (by J. C. / also by The B. ); that is, With a Little Help from my Friends (by Joe Cocker/The Beatles).

  1. Why do F. F. in L. ? (by F. L. and the T. )

  2. Come S. to me (by The F. )

  3. T. on your L. L. (by The G. D. )

  4. I'd do A. for L. (But I W. D. that) (by M. )

  5. Don't D. M. like that (by T. P. )

  6. Who wants to L. F. ? (by Q. )

  7. You're the O. that I W. (by O. N. - J. )

  8. What the W. N. N. is L. (by J. D. S. )

  9. You've L. that L. F. (by The R. B. )

  10. Make me L. C. (by E. C. )

  11. Will Y. L. me T. ? (by F. V. and the F. S. )

  12. Save the L. D. for me (by The D. )

  13. We will R. Y. (by Q. )

  14. That'll be the D. (by B. H. )

  15. A. I really W. to do (is B. be F. with you) _________ (by The B. / also by S. and C. )

  16. T. it to the L. (by The E. )

  17. F. never B. in the R. (by S. and G. )

  18. We are the C. (by Q. )

  19. You R. got a H. on M. (by the B. )

  20. I L. it L. that (by The D. C. F. )

  21. Be T. to your S. (by the B. B. )

  22. Y. can't always G. what Y. W. (by The R. S. )

  23. Everything is B. (by R. S. )

  24. We've O. just B. (by The C. )

  25. T. is on my S. (by The R. S. )

  26. E. said than D. (by The E. )

  27. I should have K. B. (by The B. )

  28. Another one B. the D. (by Q. )

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher