Stately Names

In this puzzle, the shaded states on this map, as well as the state capitals marked with a star, all have something in common: Each of their names contains a familiar first name. For example, the name ANN can be found in ANNAPOLIS (the capital of Maryland), and ART can be found in HARTFORD (the capital of Connecticut).

Can you figure out which states or state capitals contain the other first names below? Write each place's name on the blank space, then locate it on the map and write the number of that name in the correct circle. (We've done this for the first two to get you started.) Three of the names can be found in more than one place, and one of the states contains two different names.

1. ANN     Annapolis
2. ART     Hartford
3. CAROL     _______________
4. CHARLES     _______________
5. DIANA     _______________
6. EVA     _______________
7. FLO     _______________
8. FRANK     _______________
9. GUS     _______________
10. HELEN     _______________
11. IDA     _______________
12. JACK     _______________
13. JEFF     _______________
14. JUNE     _______________
15. KEN     _______________
16. LOUIS     _______________
17. LULU     _______________
18. MARY     _______________
19. PAUL     _______________
20. PIA     _______________
21 .RICH     _______________
22. SAL     _______________
23. TEX     _______________
24. TRENT     _______________
25. VAN     _______________
26. WES     _______________

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher