Stage Names #2
by Ray Frantz

The birth names of twenty-one famous individuals are listed below.
Can you identify the stage names of these famous people?

1. Alphonso D'Abruzzo
      Alan   Alda

2. Allen Konigsberg
      Woody   Allen

3. Frederick Austerlitz
      Fred   Astaire

4. Betty Joan Perske
      Lauren   Bacall

5. Benjamin Kubelsky
      Jack   Benny

6. Maurice Micklewhite
      Michael   Caine

7. Tula Finklea
      Cyd   Charisse

8. Thomas Mapother
      Tom   Cruise

9. Issur Danielovitch
      Kirk   Douglas

10. Robert Zimmerman
      Bob   Dylan

11. Frances Gumm
      Judy   Garland

12. Archibald Leach
      Cary   Grant

13. Magarita Cansino
      Rita   Hayworth

14. Reginald Dwight
      Elton   John

15. William Henry Pratt
      Boris   Karloff

16. Walter Matuschanskayasky
      Walter   Matthau

17. Dino Crocetti
      Dean   Martin

18. Sarah Ophelia Cannon
      Minnie   Pearl

19. Michel Shalhoub
      Omar   Sharif

20. Carlos Irwin Estevez
      Charlie   Sheen

21. Marion Morrison
      John   Wayne

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher