Vanity Plates
GAMES February 2011

What historical or fictional indivduals might be seen driving around town with
the following vanity license plates?

  Vanity Plate   Individual
TLKN2ME Travis Bickle
L41 14L The 3 Muskateers
I8 HSLVR Hannibal Lecter
39 STPS Alfred Hitchcock
56STR8 Joe Dimaggio
EIS MC2 Albert Einstein
N80 DYS Phileas Fogg
12LBRS Hercules
2BRNT2B Hamlet
1SM STP Neil Armstrong
2HT 2CLD Goldilocks
ET2 BRTE Julius Caesar
WTER G8 Richard Nixon
LMNTARY Sherlock Holmes
2N FINIT Buzz Lightyear
GR8EST Muhammad Ali
4SCR 7Y Abraham Lincoln
DUB L07 James Bond
UZ TH4S Obi Wan Kenobi
YO8RIAN Rocky Balboa
GRD ISGD Gordon Gekko

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher