Each clue below can be answered with a word or name starting with DO, RE, or ME.
For example, "Aunt, grandchild, or cousin" would be RELATIVE, while
"Roman goddess of wisdom" is MINERVA.
Can you guess all 14 answers?
1. Only one of the Seven Dwarfs without a beard.      ____________________________________
2. Creature at the center of the Labyrinth.      ____________________________________
3. Alligator, turtle, or snake.      ____________________________________
4. One of the Great Lakes.       ____________________________________
5. Members of the GOP.       ____________________________________
6. Yuletide kissing plant.      ____________________________________
7. Title for Martin Luther King, Jr.      ____________________________________
8. Traveling companion of the Cowardly Lion.      ____________________________________
9. Home of the Heat.      ____________________________________
10. Pro Football Team from Answer #9.      ____________________________________
11. President after Carter.      ____________________________________
12. James Thurber character Walter.      ____________________________________
13. Delaware's capital.      ____________________________________
14. One who sells directly to the public.      ____________________________________