1a Just under the wire
1b Teeny-bopper
1c Love at first sight
1d Standing ovation
1e Splitting headache
1f Tally-ho
2a That's beside the point
2b Better safe than sorry
2c Balanced budget
2d Till the end of time
2e Dashed hopes
2f Shape up or ship out
3a Circular reasoning
3b Sitting on top of the world
3c Cancelled check
3d The last round-up
3e A Shot in the Dark
3f Outnumbered Three to One
4a Bottom of the ninth
4b More often than not
4c "Space Invaders"
4d Little Big Horn
4e The whole is greater than the sum of its parts
4f Skinny-dipping
5a Heat Wave
5b Start of something big
5c Upper (or high) income brackets
5d Three square meals a day
5e Close quarters
5f Line up in alphabetical order
6a All hands on deck
6b Accident-prone
6c Jaywalking
6d Cyclones
6e Flight of Fancy
6f Side-splitting joke
7a Open sesame
7b Dipsy doodle
7c Short shrift
7d Teetotal
7e Mixed emotions
7f Chip off the old block