A Third-Rate Quiz
by Jeff O'Hare
GAMES August 1994

1. The two top sweetest spots in chocolate candy sales go to M&Ms and Snickers.
Which candy finishes a delectable third?
ANSWER: Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

2. In 1993, the American Kennel Club listed Labrador retrievers and Rotweilers as the two most popular breeds.   What breed registered in at number three?
ANSWER: German Shepherd

3. More people speak Mandarin (Chinese) or English than any other language.
Which language is the third most widely spoken?
ANSWER: Hindi (if only native speakers are counted, however, the top three are Chinese, Hindi, and Spanish with English a close fourth).

4. As of 1994, Aladdin and Beauty and the Beast were the two top-selling pre-recorded videos.   Have you seen the third?
ANSWER: Fantasia

5. Nearly 1.2 billion people live in China making it by far the most populous country in the world.   India, with a population of around 900 million ranks second.
Which nation ranks third?
ANSWER: The United States (257 million)

6. The top home run hitters of all time are Barry Bonds and Hank Aaron.
Who is number three?
ANSWER: Babe Ruth

7. According to Pizza & Pasta magazine, pepperoni and extra cheese are the two most requested pizza toppings.   Which extra tops out at number three?
ANSWER: Sausage

8. China is the nation with the most neighbors, 15 (counting Macao and Hong Hong), touching its borders.   Russia, with 14, is the second most neighborly country.   Which country is third?
ANSWER: Brazil, with 10

9. In terms of refuse generated, the two largest ticker-tape parades ever in New York City were given to John Glenn and Douglas MacArthur. What person got the third largest parade?
ANSWER: Charles Lindberg

10. Jupiter has the greatest mass of any planet in the solar system, with Saturn in second.   Which planet is third?
ANSWER: Neptune

11. The First Amendment to the Constitution (part of the Bill of Rights) addresses separation of church and state.   The Second Amendment relates to the right to keep and bear arms.   What is covered in the Third Amendment?
ANSWER: Restrictions on quartering soldiers in private homes

12. The Netherlands and Canada are the two top foreign suppliers of beer to the United States, according to Johnson's Liquor Handbook.   Which country is third?
ANSWER: Mexico

13. As of 1994, the New York Yankees had appeared in more World Series (33) than any other major league baseball team.   The Dodgers (combining their Brooklyn and Los Angeles years) were second with 18.   What franchise was third?
ANSWER: The Giants (New York and San Francisco), 16 appearances

14. McDonald's and Burger King sell the most fast food.   Who is third?
ANSWER: KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken)

15. In square miles, Greenland and New Guinea are the world's largest islands.
Can you name the third?
ANSWER: Borneo

16. On the periodic chart of elements, hydrogen has the atomic number one (since it has one proton in its nucleus), and helium has number two (two protons per atomic
nucleus).   What element is number three?
ANSWER: Lithium

17. Billy Ray Cyrus and Garth Brooks had the two top-selling albums on the billboard country charts for 1993.   Who had album number three?
ANSWER: George Strait

18. The most popular country for vacationers to visit is France, with nearly 60 million foreign tourist arrivals each year.   The United States is second with about 45 million.   What's the third most popular destination country?
ANSWER: Spain (over 35 million)

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher