High School Logic Problem
Daniel, Daphne, Dexter, Dirk, and
Dorcas are students at Flighing
High, which offers an unusually
diversified program in music and athletics.
Each student monopolizes an instrument
in the school orchestra (bass
harpsichord, Chinese gong, coloratura
accordion, hunting horn, and hurdy-gurdy)
and has earned an athletic letter
(in chariot-racing, javelin-throwing,
marathon unicycling, parachute jumping,
and racqueteering).
When the full orchestra played for the
Honors Assembly, Daphne and the
chariot racer were both settled on stage
ahead of time. The unicyclist and the
hurdy-gurdy player got to their instruments
just in time to start the opening
medley, which had to proceed without
the hunting horn. When Dorcas finally
clambered on stage in mid-medley, she
upset three of the musicians by lurching
into the Chinese gong during a rest,
tripping over Dirk's feet, and knocking
over the parachute jumper's music.
Dexter, undisturbed by Dorcas's entrance,
grinned smugly at the javelin throwing
musician, who had been the
first to arrive on stage. The embarrassed
coloratura accordion player
(who doesn't know how to ride a unicycle)
glared vengefully at Dorcas.
Can you match the students with their
instruments and athletic letters?
Daphne plays Chinese gong and throws the javelin;
Dirk plays coloratura accordion and races chariots;
Daniel plays hurdy-gurdy and goes parachute jumping;
Dexter plays bass harpsichord and rides in unicycle marathons;
and Dorcas plays hunting horn and takes racqueteering.