Biblical Figures
in the Old Testament
A Right Angle Puzzle
by David Pleacher

Determine the name of the Old Testament person for each of the clues below.

Then write the name in the 12 x 12 matrix using the following rules:

(1) Each word makes one right angle turn somewhere along its length.   But it is your task to determine where each word makes this turn and in which direction.

(2) As a guide, the starting direction of each answer word (i.e., the direction of the word before the right-angle turn) is indicated by the letter given after the clue number.   Words can go north, south, east, or west to start with.

(3) Of additional help is the fact that each letter in the correctly completed grid appears in exactly one word.


1S     He was one of Israel's judges and he led the Israelites to victory against their Midianite oppressors.   To gain the victory, he and his 300 men lit torches, blew trumpets, and shouted.

2W     He built an ark to save himself, his family, and the animals from a flood.

3S     She was the unloved wife of Jacob and the sister of Rachel.

4N     One of Israel's judges, who God had given superhuman strength.

5S     She was the wife of Abraham. In her old age, she gave birth to Isaac.

6W     He was the father of Jacob and Esau.

7N     He was the second king of Israel and the father of Solomon.

8W     She was the first woman and the wife of Adam.

9N     He was Jacob's favorite son and was sold into slavery by his brothers.

10S     He succeeded Moses and led the destruction of Jericho.

11E     He had twelve sons whose descendants formed the Twelve Tribes of Israel.

12N     He was a great prophet and the last judge of Israel.

13W     He was used by God to deliver the Israelites from slavery in Egypt.

14N     He was the first man and was created out of dust.

15W     She was the wife of Jacob and the mother of Benjamin and Joseph.

16N     She was the wife of Isaac and the mother of Jacob and Esau.

17N     He was the founding father of Israel and the husband of Sarah.

18S     He was a prophet whom God delivered from the lion's den.

19N     She was Ahab's wife and the Queen of Israel.   She encouraged idolatry in the kingdom.

20N     He was the son of David and a very wise king.

21S     He was Esther's cousin who uncovered a plot to assassinate the king.

22E     She committed adultery with David and was the mother of Solomon.

23N     She was a Moabite woman who became the great-grandmother of King David.

24W     She is the only female judge mentioned in the Bible.

25E     She was the Jewish queen of the Persian king Ahasuerus.

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher