Mathematical Vanity Plates
by J. Fred Ettline II in the Mathematics Teacher March 1990

Individuals have found that personalized license plates can serve as a medium of communication to promote their interests.

A pharmacist orders   4 MU L8,
a judge   A JU D K8,
a surgeon   KUTR DOC,
a lawyer   GR8 DFC,
and a tennis enthusiast   10S N E 1.

As students of mathematics, you will surely want to promote that discipline on your license plate.   So, the following are offered as suggestions.   Write the correct word or words that each license is promoting.

_________________   A BUN DNT
_________________   A J SNT
_________________   A QT NGL
_________________   ADD I SHN

_________________   ADD NS
_________________   AL G BRA
_________________   CEN T MTR
_________________   CO LN E R

_________________   D VIZ OR
_________________   D V A SHN
_________________   DI AM E TR
_________________   DI VI DND

_________________   DI FER NC
_________________   DI VI ZUN
_________________   DO MTH
_________________   LRN MTH

_________________   DS JOINT
_________________   DS PR SHN
_________________   E QAL I T
_________________   E QA SHN

_________________   E QI V LNT
_________________   FACT R
_________________   FRAK SHN
_________________   FRE QN CY

_________________   FUNK SHN
_________________   HOL NBR
_________________   HX A GN
_________________   HI PT N USE

_________________   I DN TI TY
_________________   IM PROP R
_________________   IN VAL ID
_________________   KAL Q L8

_________________   KM PLE MNT
_________________   KM POZ IT
_________________   KN GRU NT
_________________   KN CUR NT

_________________   KO E FS NT
_________________   KO ORD NT
_________________   KR A LARY
_________________   LES THN

_________________   MIN U ND
_________________   N TEAR E R
_________________   N TE GER
_________________   1 DIV 0

_________________   N SCRIBE
_________________   NO TA SHN
_________________   NUM BR
_________________   NU MR UL

_________________   OB 22 NGL
_________________   PI R SQD
_________________   PLUS 3 STD
_________________   PROP R TY

_________________   PRIM NBR
_________________   QUO SHNT
_________________   COR TILE
_________________   RAD I KL

_________________   REAL NBR
_________________   RITE NGL
_________________   SQR RT
_________________   SUM TOTL

_________________   TAN MAN
_________________   V LID I T
_________________   X PO NENT
_________________   4 ML PRUF

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher