Answer Key to Presidents Quiz #1


1. Who was the tallest President?
    (a) George Washington
    (b) Martin Van Buren
    (c) Abraham Lincoln
    (d) Bill Clinton

The answer is C.
Abraham Lincoln was 6 feet 4 inches tall.

2. Who was the shortest President?
    (a) James Madison
    (b) James Monroe
    (c) James K. Polk
    (d) James A. Garfield

The answer is (a)
James Madison (5 feet 4 inches).

3. Who was the heaviest President?
    (a) Rutherford B. Hayes
    (b) Warren G. Harding
    (c) William Howard Taft
    (d) Bill Clinton

The answer is c.
William Howard Taft weighed over 300 pounds.

4. Which President had the biggest feet?
    (a) Rutherford B. Hayes
    (b) Warren G. Harding
    (c) William Howard Taft
    (d) Abraham Lincoln

The answer is b.
Warren G. Harding wore size 14 shoes.

5. Who was the youngest President elected?
    (a) Theodore Roosevelt
    (b) Bill Clinton
    (c) Barack Obama
    (d) John F. Kennedy

The answer is d.
The youngest person to assume office was Theodore Roosevelt (age 42), who became president following William McKinley's assassination.   The youngest president elected to office was John F. Kennedy (age 43 years, 236 days).

6. Who was the youngest President to take office?
    (a) Theodore Roosevelt
    (b) Bill Clinton
    (c) Barack Obama
    (d) John F. Kennedy

The answer is a.
The youngest person to assume office was Theodore Roosevelt (age 42), who became president following William McKinley's assassination.   The youngest president elected to office was John F. Kennedy (age 43 years, 236 days).

7. Who was the oldest President elected?
    (a) James Buchanan
    (b) Harry S Truman
    (c) William Henry Harrison
    (d) Ronald Reagan

The answer is d.
Ronald Reagan was 69 when he was elected.

8. Which President lived the longest? (as of January 1, 2015)
    (a) Ronald Reagan
    (b) Gerald Ford
    (c) Herbert Hoover
    (d) Franklin D. Roosevelt

The answer is B.
Gerald Ford lived to be 93 years, 165 days.   Ronald Reagan lived to be 93 years, 120 days.   Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush were both in their 90s and still living as of January 1, 2015.

9. Which President served the longest time in office?
    (a) George Washington
    (b) Grover Cleveland
    (c) Franklin D. Roosevelt
    (d) William Henry Harrison

The answer is c.
Franklin D. Roosevelt served four terms (12 years) as President.

10. Which President served the shortest time in office?
    (a) James A. Garfield
    (b) Gerald Ford
    (c) John F. Kennedy
    (d) William Henry Harrison

The answer is d.
William Henry Harrison served only 32 days as President.

11. Name the first President who was born a U.S. citizen.
    (a) George Washington
    (b) Martin Van Buren
    (c) Thomas Jefferson
    (d) Barack Obama

The answer is b
(Martin Van Buren).

12. Who was the first President to be born west of the Mississippi?
    (a) Dwight D. Eisenhower
    (b) Harry S Truman
    (c) Herbert Hoover
    (d) Bill Clinton

The answer is c.
Herbert Hoover was born in Iowa.

13. Who was the first President to be born in a log cabin?
    (a) George Washington
    (b) Zachary Taylor
    (c) Abraham Lincoln
    (d) Andrew Jackson

The answer is d
(Andrew Jackson).

14. Who was the first President to be born in a hospital?
    (a) John F. Kennedy
    (b) Woodrow Wilson
    (c) Jimmy Carter
    (d) Lyndon B. Johnson

The answer is c
(Jimmy Carter).

15. Who was the first President to wear a beard?
    (a) Abraham Lincoln
    (b) Franklin Pierce
    (c) Grover Cleveland
    (d) James Monroe

The answer is a
(Abraham Lincoln).
16. Who was the first Democratic President to wear a beard?
    (a) Franklin D. Roosevelt
    (b) Harry S Truman
    (c) John F. Kennedy
    (d) None

The answer is d.
No Democratic President has worn a beard (as of January 1, 2015).

17. Who was the first President to be assassinated?
    (a) James A. Garfield
    (b) Abraham Lincoln
    (c) John F. Kennedy
    (d) William McKinley

The answer is b.
All four of these Presidents were assassinated, but Lincoln was the first.

18. Who was the first President to be impeached?
    (a) Richard Nixon
    (b) Bill Clinton
    (c) Zachary Taylor
    (d) Andrew Johnson

The answer is d.
Presidents Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton were impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives, but acquitted by the Senate.   Richard Nixon resigned before he could be impeached.

19. Who was the first Baby Boomer President?
    (a) Barack Obama
    (b) Ronald Reagan
    (c) Bill Clinton
    (d) George W. Bush

The answer is c
(Bill Clinton).

20. Who was the first President to die in office?
    (a) John F. Kennedy
    (b) Abraham Lincoln
    (c) William Henry Harrison
    (d) James A. Garfield

The answer is c
(William Henry Harrison).

21. Who was the first President to attend a Major League baseball game?
    (a) Woodrow Wilson
    (b) Gerald Ford
    (c) Bill Clinton
    (d) Benjamin Harrison

The answer is d
(Benjamin Harrison).

22. Who was the first President to speak on the radio?
    (a) Warren G. Harding
    (b) Franklin D. Roosevelt
    (c) Herbert Hoover
    (d) Calvin Coolidge

The answer is (a)   Warren G. Harding.

23. Who was the first President to appear on television?
    (a) Harry S Truman
    (b) Franklin D. Roosevelt
    (c) Dwight D. Eisenhower
    (d) John F. Kennedy

The answer is (b)
Franklin D. Roosevelt.

24. Who was the first President to establish a National Park?
    (a) Ulysses S. Grant
    (b) Theodore Roosevelt
    (c) Woodrow Wilson
    (d) Franklin D. Roosevelt

The answer is a.
Ulysses S. Grant established Yellowstone National Park on March 1, 1872.

25. Who was the first President to preside over 50 states?
    (a) Harry S Truman
    (b) Franklin D. Roosevelt
    (c) Dwight D. Eisenhower
    (d) John F. Kennedy

The answer is (c)
Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher