More Trivia

1. What were the first words spoken on the telephone?
2. What were the first words spoken on the telegraph?
3. What were the first words spoken on the phonograph?

4 - 9. For the Record
Each of the following people have crossed the continental United
States in an unusual manner, and set a world record in the process.
Can you match the duration in their journeys with their methods?

1. John Lees in 53.51 days.
2. Charles Creighton and James Hargis in 18 days.
3. Paul Cornish in 13.22 days.
4. Floyd Rood in 1 year and 19 days.
5. David Ryder in 127 days.
6. Clinton Shaw in 77 days.

a. On crutches
b. On a bicycle
c. On roller skates
d. Walking
e. Driving in reverse
f. Hitting a golf ball (114,737 strokes; 3,511 lost balls)

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher