Can You Name These Turvies?
GAMES Magazine
December 1985 and May 1986

Back In 1953, comedy writer Roger Price invented a minor art form called the Droodle, which he described as "a borkley-looking sort of drawing that doesn't make any sense until you know the correct title."   Droodles have hardly lost their appeal in the 59 years since then, during which time a few prototypical Droodles have become recognizable icons of pop culture.   Take, for example, the classic "Four Elephants Inspecting a Grapefruit," below.

In 1985 and 1986, GAMES Magazine took the Droodle one step further: a double-view version that it calls the Turvy.   Turvies have one explanation right-side-up, and an entirely different one when turned topsy-turvy.

The following, for instance, might be titled "Hans Brinker From the Knees Down."   But turn it over and it becomes "Two Turkeys Wearing Walkman Headsets."

See if you can guess the double explanations for the ten turvies which appear below.

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher