Humorous Anecdote to Accompany The STORY
Chapter 4   Deliverance

The Children of Israel

At the church Sunday School Ms. Johnson, the new teacher, had just finished the day's lesson.  It was now time for the usual question period.

"Ms. Johnson," announced little Joey, "there's somethin' I can't figure out."

"What's that Joey?" asked the teacher.

"Well accordin' to the Bible, the Children of Israel crossed the Red Sea, right?"


"An' the Children of Israel beat up the Philistines, right?"


"An' the Children of Israel built the Temple, right?"

"Again you're right."

"An' the Children of Israel fought the 'gyptians, an' the Children of Israel fought the Romans, an' the Children of Israel wuz always doin' somethin' important, right?"

"All that is right, too," agreed Ms. Johnson.   "So what's your question?"

"What I wanna know is this," demanded Joey.   "What wuz all the grown-ups doin' all that time?"

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher