My friend has some LIKES and DISLIKES.   Can you figure out what is guiding her preferences?

My friend likes to get aHEAD, but does not want to make PROGRESS.

My friend doesn't mind aSKINg for favors, but hates to make REQUESTS.

My friend wants to be a LEGend in her own time, but not be FAMOUS.

My friend is okay with being hARMed, but does not want to get HURT.

My friend will sit on a cHAIR, but not a SOFA.

My friend works till she's wEARy, but does not want to get TIRED.

You can get her rANKLEd, but never RILED.

My friend likes cHANDeliers, but not LAMPS.

My friend likes to sit by the hEARth, but not by a FIREPLACE.

At the pool, she'll take a pLUNGe, but will never DIVE in.

My friend likes pizza when it's deLIVERed, but not in the RESTAURANT.

My friend wants to watch FOOTball, but not SOCCER.

My friend will feed sNAILS in her garden, but not SLUGS.

My friend has a hankering for potaTOES, but not YAMS.

Can you figure out why my friend likes certain words and not others?

My friend likes words that contain a part of the human body.