Odd Letter Out Puzzle #2
by Dallas Fletcher
GAMES   October 2015

1. No letter is adjacent (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) to another letter immediately before it or immediately after it in the alphabet.

2. The word PATCHWORK can be formed by starting with the letter P in one corner square and moving one square at a time, left or right, up or down (but never diagonally) proceeding to K in some other corner.

3. The letters in row c can be rearranged to spell SWUNG.

4. D and J are in the same column.

5. The letters in the word SEXY can be found in column 3 in some order.

6. V and Z are in the same row.

7. The letters in the word GLIM can be found in the same column in some order.

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher