Odd Letter Out Puzzle #3
by Dallas Fletcher
GAMES   October 2015

1. No letter is adjacent (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) to another letter immediately before it or immediately after it in the alphabet.

2. Each column and each row contain exactly one vowel apiece (A, E, I, O, or U).

3. The letters in the word CHAMPION are all included in the grid, one of them in the central square, but none of them along any outer edge of the grid.

4. The letters in the word VAT can be found in the same column in some order.

5. The letter W is found in the grid, but not in column 1.

6. The letters in the word LIMB can be found in column 3 in some order.

7. The letters in the word GRYF can be found in the same column in some order.

8. The letters in the word BURST can be found in the same row in some order.

9. Z and J are in the same row.

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher