Odd Letter Out Puzzle #4
by Dallas Fletcher
GAMES   October 2015

Once solved, the grid below will contain 25 of the 26 letters of the alphabet, one letter per square.
Use the accompanying clues to fill in each grid and determine which letter is not used.

1. Every letter is adjacent (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) to both letters immediately before it or immediately after it in the alphabet, and A is also adjacent to Z.   The only exception is in the case of the odd letter out; in this instance the letters immediately before and after the odd letter out are adjacent instead.

2. One corner-to-corner diagonal contains the letters in the word PARK in some order.

3. One corner-to-corner diagonal contains the letters in the word EXAM in some order.

4. I is in column 5 and is adjacent to L.

5. G and O are in the same column.

6. Column 1 contains the letters in the word REDS in some order.

7. C is in row a.

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher