Chess composer Max Bezzel published the eight queens puzzle in 1848.
A chess composer is a person who creates endgame studies or chess problems. Franz Nauck published the first solutions in 1850.
The eight queens puzzle asks if you can place eight chess queens on an 8×8 chessboard so that no two queens threaten each other.
Therefore, no two queens share the same row, column, or diagonal.
Scroll down for the answer : : : : : : : : : :
: : : : : : : :
Using the combinations formula, 64C8, there are 4,426,165,368 (yes, that is over 4 billion) possible arrangements of eight
queens on an 8×8 board, but there are only 92 solutions. Of these 92 solutions, many of them are just rotations or reflections, so there are
just twelve basic solutions.