Roamin' History
with Roman Numerals
A Puzzle by Ray Frantz

Directions: Solve the equations below.   The answers will yield an important date in Roman history.   In the blank at far left, place the letter of the event that corresponds with the date you computed first.

___ 1. DCC + LIII = ______ BCE ___ 2. MXVIII ÷ II = _____ BCE ___ 3. (XV)II - (XIV ÷ II) = _____ BCE ___ 4. (CCC ÷ II) - (II x II) = _____ BCE ___ 5. (VIII)II + VI = _____ BCE ___ 6. LXIV - I = _____ BCE ___ 7. (VII)II = _____ BCE ___ 8. (III) x (XV) + I = _____ BCE ___ 9. (XI) x (VIII) ÷ II = _____ BCE ___ 10. XXI + XXII = _____ BCE ___ 11. VII + II = _____ BCE ___ 12. (VIII)II = _____ CE ___ 13. LIII + (CIV ÷ IV) = _____ CE ___ 14. (CX) x (III) = _____ CE ___ 15. VIV - (XII)II - V = _____ CE

A. Emperor Constantine splits the 
empire between east (Rome) and 
west (Constantinople)

B. Hannibal leads the Carthaginian 
army over the Alps into Italy 
(the Second Punic War)
C. Cicero exposes the Cataline 
D. Birth of Ovid, author of The 
E. Birth of Vergil, author of The 
F. Traditional date for the Fall 
of Rome to invading barbarians
G. According to legend, Romulus 
and Remus found Rome
H. Julius Caesar is assassinated 
("Et tu, Brute?")
I. Julius Caesar introduces the 
Julian calendar
J. Pompeii is devastated by the 
eruption of Mr. Vesuvius
K. Carthage is destroyed by Roman 
troops (Third Punic War)
L. Julius Caesar crosses the Rubicon
M. Nero allegedly fiddles during the 
Great Fire of Rome
N. Octavian becomes Augustus and the 
first Roman emperor

O. Rome becomes a republic 

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher