Women in the Bible
by David Pleacher


1. Wife of Nabal, who later became a wife of David (7 letters)   ABIGAIL

2. Wife of Uriah, who later became a wife of David (9 letters)   BATHSHEBA

3. Prophetess and the only female judge mentioned in the Bible (7)   DEBORAH

4. She is loved by Samson and is bribed by the Philistines to find his source of weakness (7)   DELILAH

5. Mother of John the Baptist (9)   ELIZABETH

6. Queen of the Persian empire whose birth name was Hadassah (6)   ESTHER

7. Mother of Timothy (6)   EUNICE

8. First woman, wife of Adam (3)   EVE

9. Wife of Abraham, mother of Ishmael (5)   HAGAR

10. Prophetess and mother of Samuel (6)   HANNAH

11. Queen of Israel, wife of King Ahab (7) JEZEBEL

12. First wife of Jacob, mother of Reuben (4)   LEAH

13. The first converted believer after the resurrection, known as The Woman of Purple (5)   LYDIA

14. Sibling of Lazarus and Mary of Bethany (6)   MARTHA

15. Mother of Jesus (4)   MARY

16. Prophetess and older sister of Moses and Aaron (6)   MIRIAM

17. Mother-in-law to Ruth (5)   NAOMI

18. An associate of the apostle Paul who was introduced as a deacon in the book of Romans (6)   PHOEBE

19. Jewish woman who was one of the first converts to Christianity and the first example of a female preacher (9)   PRISCILLA

20. Second wife of Jacob, mother of Joseph and Benjamin (6)   RACHEL

21. Gentile woman who lived in Jericho and assisted the Israelites by hiding two spies (5)   RAHAB

22. Wife of Isaac and mother of Jacob and Esau (7)   REBECCA or REBEKAH

23. Moabite woman who married Boaz, an Israelite (4)   RUTH

24. Wife of Abraham and mother of Isaac (5)   SARAH

25. Queen of Persia and first wife of King Ahasuerus (6)   VASHTI

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher