Wackie Wordies #124
(Titles related to Literature)

A-1.   The Scarlet Letter
          by Nathaniel Hawthorne
A-2.   The Sun Also Rises
          by Ernest Hemmingway
A-3.   Little Women
          by Louisa May Alcott
A-4.   The Catcher in the Rye
          by J.D. Salinger

B-1.   The Color Purple
          by Alice Walker
B-2.   Animal Farm
          by George Orwell
B-3.   A Tale of Two Cities
          by Charles Dickens
          (cities like
          WashINGTON, LexINGTON,
          WellINGTON, ArlINGTON)
B-4.   The Last of the Mohicans
          by James Fenimore Cooper

C-1.   Much Ado about Nothing
          by William Shakespeare
C-2.   War and Peace
          by Leo Tolstoy
C-3.   The Cat in the Hat
          by Dr. Seuss
C-4.   Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
          by Lewis Carroll

D-1.   Catch-22
          by Joseph Heller
D-2.   1984
          by George Orwell
D-3.   Paradise Lost
          by John Milton
D-4.   The Three Musketeers
          by Alexandre Dumas

Many thanks to Richard Porter for correcting my spelling of MOHICANS.

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher