Women in the Bible 2.0
by David Pleacher

Match the 27 clues below with the correct woman of the Bible that follows the clues.
One of the 26 names will be used twice.
Replace each numbered blank at the end with the letter corresponding to the answer for that clue.

__ 1. She was the widow of Er and Onan. She slept with her father-in-law. (Genesis 38)

__ 2. She was likely the wife of Philemon and was stoned to death along with Philemon
and Archippus during the reign of Nero. (Philemon 1:1)

__ 3. Abraham’s second wife. (Genesis 25)

__ 4. Rachel’s maid who had children with Jacob. ( Genesis 30)

__ 5. Leah’s maid who had children with Jacob. (Genesis 30)

__ 6. The daughter of Jacob and Leah who was raped by Sechum. (Genesis 34)

__ 7. Moses’ wife from Midian. (Exodus 2)

__ 8. Moses’ mother who was born in Egypt and was a descendant of Levi. (Numbers 26:59)

__ 9. The two wives of Elkanah were Hannah and this woman. (1 Samuel 1)

__ 10. David’s daughter who was raped by her half brother Amnon. (2 Samuel 13)

__ 11. Shiphrah and this woman were Hebrew midwives who were ordered by the King of
Egypt to kill the sons born to Hebrew women. (Exodus 1)

__ 12. Saul’s elder daughter who was to be given to David as his wife, but instead was
given to Adriel. (1 Samuel 18)

__ 13. Saul’s younger daughter, who was in love with David, and was given to him for a wife. (1 Samuel 18)

__ 14. At Hebron, David had six sons born to six different wives: Ahinoan, Abigail, Maacah,
Haggith, Abital, and this woman. (2 Samuel 3:2)

__ 15. Zelophehad had five daughters: Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and this woman.
(Joshua 17)

__ 16. This woman informed Paul about the divisions and quarreling among the people in the
church at Corinth. (1 Corinthians 1:11)

__ 17. The wife of Heber the Kenite who killed Sisera at the battle of Mount Tabor.
(Judges 4-5)

__ 18. She hosted a church in her home and is mentioned by the Apostle Paul. (Colossians 4:15)

__ 19. Euodia and this woman had some disagreement at the church in Philippi, and Paul urged
them to agree in the Lord. (Philippians 4:2)

__ 20. In the book of Romans, Paul commands us to greet one another with a holy kiss, and then
he mentions many people by name including Julia, Tryphaena, Tryposa, and this woman
who he described as the beloved. (Romans 16:12-16)

__ 21. This woman was the daughter-in-law of Naomi and the sister-in-law of Ruth, and was
married to Chilion. (Ruth 1:4)

__ 22. Her daughter danced for King Herod on his birthday. (Matthew 14:6)

__ 23. She was the daughter of Beeri the Hittite and she married Esau when he was 40 years
old. (Genesis 26:34)

__ 24. Timothy’s grandmother. (2 Timothy 1:5)

__ 25. The wife of the prophet Hosea, who was a promiscuous woman, but married by Divine
command. (Hosea 1:2-3)

__ 26. The daughter of Asher and granddaughter of Jacob. (Genesis 46:17)

__ 27. The wife of Aaron, and the mother of four sons: Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar.
(Exodus 6: 23)

A. Apphia
B. Bilhah

C. Chloe
D. Dinah

E. Eglah
F. Elisheba

G. Gomer
H. Herodias

I. Jael
J. Jochebed

K. Judith
L. Keturah

M. Lois
N. Merab

O. Michal
P. Nympha

Q. Orpah
R. Peninnah

S. Persis
T. Puah

U. Serah
V. Syntyche

W. Tamar
X. Tirzah

Y. Zilpah
Z. Zipporah

Now write the letter corresponding to each numbered clue below to discover a Bible verse from Proverbs:
__  __  __  __  __           
16  22   2   9  24                 

__  __          
17  20         

__  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __         
6   14  16  14  17  11  27  26  3         

__  __  __ 
2   12   6

__  __  __  __  __  __           
4   14   2  26  11   5         

__  __            
17  20         
__  __  __  __  __  __  __ ,  
18   2  20  20  17  12  25
__  __  __        
 4  26  11         

__        __  __  __  __  __        
 2         1  13  24   2  12         

__  __  __      __  __  __  __  __       
10  22  13      27  14   2   9  20       

__  __  __        __  __  __  __ ,
11  22  14         3  13   9   6
__  __  __           
20  22  14         

__  __  __  __  __        __  __         
20  22   2   3   3         4  14        

__  __  __  __  __  __  __ .
18   9   2  17  20  14   6 

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher