A Mathematical Card Trick
by G. J. Greenbury,
Brisbane, Australia

Arrange four aces facedown in one stack.   Under them place four 2s facedown, and so on, finishing with four kings.   Spell "o-n-e" as you take three cards singly off the top of the deck.   As you say "e," place the card faceup.   It is an ace.   Continuing, spell "t-w-o" and again place a card faceup.   It is a two.   Then spell "t-h-r-e-e," and so on up to the jack and queen, and finishing on "k-i-n-g."   The last card is a king.   The discards are three aces, three 2s, ..., and three kings.

The previous trick is spectacular if the cards are arranged beforehand by a simple game of Patience, which I will now describe.

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher