What's Your Wife's Name?
(for Men only)
From The Irish Digest reprinted
in Reader's Digest 1966

If you're a bachelor, and you answer these questions honestly, you'll be told the name of your future wife.   If you're married, you'll be told the name of your present wife -- and let's hope it's the right one.
You cannot use a calculator because the calculator cannot display enough digits -- it will display the answer in exponential form or give an error.

  1. Write down the number corresponding to the month of your birth from Table 1.

  2. Add the number corresponding to your favorite dish from Table 2.

  3. Multiply the answer by ten.   Then add three if you want to know the name of your future wife, two for your present wife, and one for your last wife.

  4. Reverse the order of the figures, and subtract the result from the number you had before reversing.
    (Thus, if the number is 521, it becomes 125 on reversing, which is subtracted from 521).

  5. Reverse this answer and add the result to the number it was before reversing.

  6. Add 52,205,197 if you are a British Lord; otherwise, add 423,571.

  7. Look up the number corresponding to the first letter of your surname (last name) in Table 3, and place it on the right-side of the previous answer.
    If, for example, your names is Smith, and the previous answer was 123,456, you would place the two figures corresponding to S, which are 60, on the right, giving you 12,345,660.

  8. Repeat this with the next letter of your surname, and continue for all the letters, in order, in your surname.

  9. Divide your answer by two.

  10. Separate the answer into groups of two figures.   Each group represents a letter of your wife's name, when referred to Table 4.   Thus, if the answer is 21-10-23-43, her name would be Mary.

Table 1
January ...... 90         July ............... 70
February .... 80         .August .......... 80
March ......... 70         September ... 90
April ........... 60           October ........ 80
May ............. 50         November .... 70
June ............ 60         December .... 60

Table 2
Steak and Onions ........................ 8
Hamburger and French Fires .......7
Ham and Eggs ..............................6
Chicken and Dumplings ................5
Franks and Beans ........................ 4
Roast Beef and Potatoes ..............3
BBQ Brisket and Cole Slaw ......... 2
Tuna Fish Casserole .....................1

Table 3
A -- 20
B -- 40
C -- 48
D -- 62

E -- 22
F -- 50
G -- 64
H -- 68

I -- 24
J -- 80
K -- 54
L -- 52

M -- 42
N -- 66
O -- 26
P -- 82

Q -- 90
R -- 46
S -- 60
T -- 44

U -- 28
V -- 84
W -- 88
X -- 58

Y -- 86
Z -- 56

Table 4
10 -- A
11 -- E
12 -- I
13 -- O

14 -- U
20 -- B
21 -- M
22 -- T

23 -- R
24 -- C
25 -- F
26 -- L

27 -- K
28 -- Z
29 -- X
30 -- S

31 -- D
32 -- G
33 -- N
34 -- H

40 -- J
41 -- P
42 -- V
43 -- Y

44 -- W
45 -- Q

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher