Cabrillo National Monument

Cabrillo National Monument

Cabrillo National Monument is located at the southern tip of the Point Loma Peninsula in San Diego, California.   It commemorates the landing of Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo at San Diego Bay on September 28, 1542.   The park offers a fantastic view of San Diego's harbor and skyline, as well as Coronado and Naval Air Station North Island.   The Old Point Loma lighthouse is the highest point in the park and has been a San Diego icon since 1855.   The lighthouse was closed in 1891, and a new one opened at a lower elevation, because fog and low clouds often obscured the light at its location.

Make sure that you take the Bayside Trail, a 2.5 mile roundtrip that leads from the Lighthouse down to the beach.

Gram and Pops visited here in July 2012.

Click here for pictures of Gram and Pops' Trip

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David Pleacher