Capulin Volcano
National Monument

Capulin Volcano National Monument

Capulin Volcano National Monument, located in Northeastern New Mexico, was designated a U.S. National Monument on August 9, 1916.   It is an example of an extinct cinder cone volcano.   A paved road spirals around the volcano and visitors can drive up to a parking lot at the rim.   Hiking trails circle the rim as well as lead down into the mouth of the volcano.

Capulin Volcano National Monument rises steeply from the surrounding grassland plains to an elevation of 8,182 feet above sea level.   The irregular rim of the crater is about a mile in circumference and the crater about 400 feet deep.

Gram and Pops visited here in March 2007.

Click here for pictures of Gram and Pops' Trip

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David Pleacher