1. What kind of log is African drum music?
2. What kind of log is peanut butter and raisins on celery?
3. What kind of log is when a math teacher has a lot of paper work
      due to a student turning in lots of late work?
4. What kind of log is the summer job of a math teacher who lives in the northwest?

5. What kind of log is the favorite sport of the math teacher in #4?
6. What kind of log is it when loggers get together for some music?
7. What kind of log is the method of communication that a math teacher uses
      with a student?
8. What kind of log is a math teacher’s favorite singer?

9. What kind of log is a math teacher’s favorite branch of the army?
10. What kind of log is a student who doesn’t work?
11. What kind of log are the two favorite parts of a book read by a math teacher?
12. What kind of log is Captain Kirk’s favorite phrase?

13. What kind of log do math teachers use to start a fire?
14. What kind of log is a math teacher’s favorite gymnastics’ move?
15. What kind of log is a math teacher’s favorite house to live in?
16. What kind of log does a math teacher use to order supplies?

17. What kind of log is a math teacher’s favorite brand of cereal?
18. What kind of log is a French math teacher’s favorite Christmas gift?
19. What kind of log does a math teacher watch to help determine
      a vacation spot to visit?
20. What kind of log is a math teacher’s favorite toy when he was little?

21. What kind of log is a math teacher’s favorite junk food?
22. What kind of log is a math teacher’s favorite part of “The Tonight Show”?
23. What kind of log is a math teacher’s favorite cellular phone?
24. What kind of log is a math teacher’s favorite brand of pancake syrup?

25. What kind of log is a math teacher’s favorite part of using the computer?
26. Why do math teachers sleep in the fireplace?
27. What kind of log is the math teacher's favorite airport?