School Forwards

Evolution of Math Problem

Letter Home from College Daughter

Letter Home from College Son


A Tough Day of Teaching ...

Clueless Statements to Teachers

Why Teachers Drink


Automated Messages



Lesson Plan on the Mount

Jesus Report Card

God & Tenure

Academic Hierarchy

Home Schooling

School Cheers

Absence Excuses

What Kids Say

Report Card Comments

School Janitor


Politically Correct

SOL Test

The Sneeze

Why teachers are not paid enough

Quotes about Education

Children learn what they live

Top 10 List for Raising Student Achievement

The Perfect Teacher

What makes a Good Teacher?

Characteristics of an effective math teacher

Reflections of 40 Years in the Classroom

1 Corinthians 13 for Teachers

1 Corinthians 13 for Teachers

1 Corinthians 13 for Teachers

The Ten Commandments for Teachers

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher